Surrender, Dorothy

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It's Time, Once Again, to Lose All My E-mail

I've had my work computer reimaged four or five times in the past three years. Every time I try to back everything up properly, but it appears this time I backed up everything but the five or six most important e-mail personal folders.  You know, the ones where I keep everything related to my day-to-day life, the people I manage, etc.

Yesterday when I got my computer back, I spent hours reinstalling important software, renewing cookies that had been lost and searching network drives for those goddamn personal folders. It was like looking for your keys when you're tired. Are they in the refrigerator? No. Are they in the bed? No. Are they on the big hook that says "keys"?  NO NO NO NO NO


Then I got distracted by a fire to fight and an angel to bathe and work that took me until midnight to finish. This morning, when I got in, I looked at the gaping maw where my personal folders totally should have been, and I gave up.  Anything people said to me before today? Dead to me. We'll just have to start over. I made up some new folders and filed them somewhere and thought really? If Hoarders ever does a show on digital packrats, they sure as hell are not going to star me. This happens to me at least once a year.

So there's that.