Barbie Salon, Dorothy-Style
I got the little angel a Barbie Head (I don't know what they are really called -- that's what I call them) at a garage sale this summer. She is OBSESSED. The stupid thing says things like "Let's change my style!" and "How about a barrette!" to the extent I think I'm going to have to secretly disable her. Why must everything talk? And she has no tray. like the old-school Barbie Heads. I mean, really.
The stylist runs a tight ship. Taking her roots from a great-grandmother who had a master's degree in home economics, she sets a stunning table at her dinner parties for Bella the Cat and Statue the Dressmaker's Bust.
The stylist demands complete and total attention while she focuses on learning, etiquette and fashion.
The stylist can be uninspired when it comes to mix-and-match, but she's only four.
Fortunately, the stylist has two extremely hip assistants.
Typically, the stylist will begin by taking BEFORE pictures.
Sometimes she interviews the client regarding lifestyle, maintenance preferences and aptitude for risk.
The stylist is not afraid to bring the outside in.
This client is 30 years old and not afraid of color.
Samantha Ronson goes outside for a smoke break.
Some clients embrace styling more than others.
When styling secrets must be hidden from the paparazzi, styling is conducted in the fort.
But the result is SO worth it. Totally trendsetting, dahling. We now get an additional four channels, plus Cinemax, at Ma's house.
Updated to add my review of Parent & Child magazine on Surrender, Dorothy: Reviews and a link to my BlogHer post this week on traveling away from your child.