Surrender, Dorothy

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Let's All Share the Love

This week I'm being featured on Mommybloggers, which is a huge honor for me.  I met Jenny of Three Kid Circus in the first full year of blogging, and after realizing she has three children and about 60 miles per gallon more energy than I do, I tried to stop complaining so much.  Obviously, it didn't really work.  I'm also a huge fan of Jenn and Meghan, who co-founded the site.

If you're bored here, please check out my blogroll, including my KC pals Cagey, Jane, Goofy Girl and Me.  I've begged Fussy and Finslippy and Dooce for advice about sleeping, and they have obliged me with their secrets, which include ignoring the fact your child has his own bed and window tinfoil.  My new friends Izzy, Mary, Sweetney and Mir make me laugh really hard, sometimes so hard it's sort of embarrassing at work.  And Amalah inspired me to Ebay a Coach purse.  I admit it.  Normally I hate brands.  Probably because she had drinks with Cagey in DC.  You gotta love Mommy

And Lisa, you've given me so many new dreams to hope for - can't wait to meet you. 

Okay, I'm done with the lovin'.

You know you'd rather surf than work.  So just go for it.  Do it. Do it.