I Have a Hat
This weekend's ten-hours-round-trip car adventure with the little angel went relatively well. There were only two or three times when she just started howling in frustration and boredom and we couldn't get her to stop. When she gets that bad, not even my husband's efforts at physical comedy (he hits himself in the head with an empty 16-ouncer, which makes her laugh - so sad) could overcome them. Of course, those were the moments that made me seriously wonder if we should just stay put until she is five, but then of course I realized how boring my life would become if we never went anywhere. About that point, she usually got distracted by midgets on motorcycles or a cow or some other interesting outside-the-car thing.
While the trip was lovely, it was of the visit-your-in-laws variety, so there weren't many hilarious-showstopper moments. Probably the funniest to me was seeing the little angel and her two-year-old cousin, A., proudly wearing their horn hats from BW3. They are like Burger King crowns, only they have horns instead. So there they are, walking around the restaurant as though everything is normal, wearing horns. I mentioned to my beloved that we should try to find every other ridiculous hat we could and put it on her head before she is old enough to protest. After all, our days of being able to dress her however we want are sadly numbered.