Slump #4,587
From time to time, especially when things are going along just fine, I fall into these slumps. I am in one now. When the slump comes, it sort of lays on top of me and pushes its elbows into my ribcage, not enough to hurt, but enough to just be generally annoying at all times.
There's no real good reason for the slump. I don't know, maybe it's chemical. I've been feeling extremely tired all the time lately. Maybe I'm anemic. I doubt it, though. I've never really been anemic, although I've claimed to be it many times.
When I took the little angel to the Emerald City this morning, her little friend S's mother informed me that S. had roseola over the weekend. I could still see hints of the rash on her legs. I sure hope the little angel doesn't get roseola. That would not help my slump.
I think I need a sick day. I miss those. Now I work from home, though, which makes taking sick days hard. I mean, I could just sit and bed and work, right? My family was in town over the weekend, and we had a lovely time. Absolutely no good reason for this. Get off my back, slump. It's sunny outside, and it's a short week, and man, do I wish I were happy.