Happy Holidays!


lights-ornaments.JPGHello wonderful readers! I have been waffling over whether to blog or take a break during the winter holidays, and then yesterday the universe decided to provide me directives by sending me and Laurel the dreaded stomach bug. Yesterday was beyond awful, but we are on the mend and moving forward with Christmas plans (though somewhat subdued, and with the mindset that we will pull back as needed). However, I will follow the universe's sign and take the holiday break off here! If anything truly timely comes up, I will share quick links via Twitter and Facebook so please feel free to connect there. Meanwhile, assuming my health comes back to me quickly, below are some things I'd like to do during the winter break. Have a wonderful holiday!

1. Enjoy Christmas with my family. (Hopefully not give anyone else the plague.)

2. Go ice skating with Jon and the girls. (Now pending depending on state of plague.)

3. Finish my book outlines and deliver them to my potential publisher.

4. Purge my closet.

5. Tidy up my office.

6. Take Laurel and Violet to see The Muppets.

7. Make an editorial plan for Boston Mamas.

8. Finally print, frame, and hang photos including Violet.

9. Order school supplies to donate to Laurel's classroom.

10. Revamp my professional landing page.

11. Bake something really delicious with Laurel.

12. Reconcile my financial paperwork.

13. Enjoy an evening out with Jon.

14. Celebrate New Year's with family and friends and set intentions for 2012.

15. If there is snow, take Laurel sledding. Also take some gratuitous photos of Laurel and Violet on a sled.

16. Learn some new chords on my mandola. (I recently learned to play my first song!)

Do you have any specific things you'd love to do this holiday break? I'd love to hear them!

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