12 Fun Weekend Picks


monkey-king.jpgHappy Friday everyone! I hope you're gearing up for a wonderful weekend. Here are 12 picks that caught my eye:

1. Hail to The Monkey King! (Cambridge)

2. Hooray -- there's actually snow on the ground for this family snowshoe walk. (Mattapan)
3. I'm admittedly curious about how big the big red dog will be. (Boston)

4. A perfect pick for Elmo fans. (Worcester)

5. For those who are curious about creatures. (Arlington)

6. Magic! (Arlington)

7. Classic children's stories, puppet style. (Brookline)

8. Cinderella, apparently with a twist. (Brookline)

9. Geckos! (Boston)

10. A family friendly musical jamboree. (Cambridge)

11. A healthy family expo where you can jump to your heart's content. (Everett)

12. I am admittedly a little obsessed with penguins right now. This would be perfect. (Boston)

Image credit: Peabody Museum