Working Girl


Among taboo mama topics is that of how a mama feels about her maternity leave. Polarized responses such as “I’m so sad for my leave to end!” and “I can’t wait to get back to work!” are common.

Regardless of how you feel during leave time, it’s probably safe to say that all mamas feel some degree of guilt if and when they return to work. A Mayo Clinic article offers some helpful tips on how to ease transition, cope with guilt, and continue to breastfeed. An article from U. Michigan Medical also offers tips on returning to work and description of different types of child-care options.
Among the logistical issues, I suggest working out child-care and pumping arrangements as soon possible. The child-care situation is a major stressor; there just doesn’t seem to be enough supply for the demand. Get your name on wait lists as soon as you can and pursue other options in the meanwhile. And don’t be afraid to ask for space to pump. Take the Mayo Clinic advice that you should never accept to pump somewhere you wouldn’t eat your lunch to heart (I pumped in a bathroom once, and believe me, I will never do that again!).

Among the personal issues, I think the most sanity preserving measures include: self care, not being afraid to ask for help, and letting less important matters slide. The little chores can wait; or if you have the resources, you can rationalize that a sane and happy mama is worth the price of an occasional visit from a housecleaning service.