Weekly Blueprint
Happy Monday everyone, and welcome to the first full week of February! Are you getting excited about the Olympics? Not surprisingly, particularly after covering the US Figure Skating Championships (and the epic-ness that was meeting Michelle Kwan) I'm fired up for figure skating. But before we get there, enjoy this roundup of events via the Weekly Blueprint:
February 3: Skin on my Chin: diversity workshop for children. (Charlestown)
February 3: Celebrate black history month with music. (Hyde Park)
February 3: Explore winter on the farm. (Lincoln)
February 4: ASD-friendly afternoon to explore the Discovery Museums. (Acton)
February 5: It’s time to join the junior bird club. (South Dartmouth)
February 7: Winter Olympics opening ceremony right here in MA. (Acton)
February 7: Uh oh. The weather forecast is looking Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. (Cambridge)
February 7: Late night at the museum. (Easton)
February 7: Afternoon chores and s’mores...what a reward for hard work! (Lincoln)
February 7: National Choreography Month Boston celebration (Boston)
February 7: Pack your bags and jet off to somewhere fabulous. (Boston)
Image credit: Olympics cupcakes via Pinterest
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