Weekly Blueprint


Happy Monday everyone; I hope you had a great weekend. It was truly awesome to get a taste of spring and enjoy some non-frigid time outdoors with the girls! Meanwhile, I'm excited to meet some of you wonderful mamas tomorrow at the spa party (yay!), and if you're looking for something to do this week with your kids, enjoy this roundup of events via the Weekly Blueprint:

March 10: Irish music with Kevin Mulkerrins. (Dorchester)

March 12: From the tap to the table, the journey of maple syrup. (Ipswich)

March 12: Fill your day with art and play. (Lincoln)

March 12: How about some Feathers for Lunch? (Salem)

March 13: Just how did SMART Gal Ruth Benerito revolutionize fashion? (Easton)

March 13 - 16: One World, Many Stories. (Brookline)

March 13: Optical illusions with Steve Lechner. (Charlestown)

March 14: Math lovers rejoice. It’s Pi Day! (Boston)

March 14: A St. Patty’s day treasure hunt for the gold at the end of the rainbow. (Cambridge)

March 14: Who can resist more Pi? (Easton)

March 14: Make some cookies for the cow...and maybe he’ll share with you too. (Lincoln)

Image credit: Pi pie via Pinterest

Have an event you'd like to submit for editorial consideration? Please e-mail the event description + URL to Christine at editor{@}bostonmamas.com. For guaranteed event exposure, place an advertisement.