The Grammar Police Are Coming to BlogHer '14


If you'll be at BlogHer '14 in San Jose, please come visit the Writing Lab. On Friday, July 24 from 2:30-4 pm, you'll find the following people there:

Writing Lab | Be Your Own Editor

Writing is hard. This lab will help make it a little easier for you by making those rough drafts a little smoother, that copy a bit tighter, and those headlines a little more zingy. Like any good cook will tell you, it's much easier at the end if you clean as you go. Tidy up your work as you write it with these tips for catchy and inspiring headlines, insights into how an *editor* approaches a writer's first draft differently than the *writer* does, and the grammar refreshers we all know we can use, even if we don't want to admit it! 


I like nothing better than to sit around geeking out over "that" versus "which," so it's a guaranteed good time! In all seriousness, understanding the rules of grammar and punctuation give you confidence -- and that confidence translates not only into better writing but also into the promotion of said writing. No one wants to be the guy on ESPN whose tweet gets picked up saying "your the best!" (seen recently, no lie)


I'm Going to BlogHer '14!

If you want a badge of your own (even if you're not speaking, you totally don't have to be, that's just what MY badge says), go here for badge code.

Also -- if you have any grammar quandaries you'd like us to address, leave them here in the comments!