Toddler High
Toddler High (otherwise known as the two-year-old room at the Emerald City) is doing WONDERS for the Blog That Never Sleeps. The little angel has slept until 6:30 in the morning three nights in a row.
It is a minor miracle.
I'm not sure what they are doing in there. I do know that the school is sponsoring a jog-a-thon to raise money later this month. I am a bad mommy. I actually garnered some pledges but then completely forgot to turn in the sheet. I may try to sneak it in late, but then again I may not, considering that my offering for the March auction actually sold, unlike one hundred other useless items donated by parents who are even bigger losers than I. I wonder about toddlers (and even waddlers!) doing a jog-a-thon. I picture them warming up in their infant Adidas, doing deep knee bends and squats, pushing their muscles to the very brink. Oh, wait, that's walking across the room when you are a year old. WTF?? They start 'em young, folks. They start 'em young.
Even if she's not doing a few practice laps around the playground, she must be doing something to be so tired. And I love them for it! Because then I do not have to make her do laps with me around the block so that she will be tired enough to Sleep! All! Night! Maybe I can even do my OWN excercise, which does not involve walking only slightly faster than a caterpillar down the sidewalk, pausing every time one sees a dandelion.
Me, sleep AND exercise in the same week? What's next? Television?