Watching the Neurons Connect

The little angel is now 18 months old.  Her speech is starting to gel a little more every day, and it's terrifying and exhilerating to realize she is actually trying to talk to us now amidst all that babble.  But her jokes are horrible.

Take this morning, for instance...

(Looking into the bathtub after I got out of the shower)  "Mama, bubbles, balarehlkadsdhkaleaekj Melmo, bubbles."  (Tosses plastic Elmo into the tub, since he clearly needs a bath).  "Yeah!"

Looking at a photo of my sister, me and my cousins.  "Mama...Nay...Mama?  Nyo. NYO!  Nyo Mama."  (Looks at me quizzically until I tell who the other people are.)

Emptying the dishwasher.  "Eeysadjmadlkjj dada....Melmo, poon, Melmo, ha ha ha ha ha."  (Throws Elmo into the spoon rack of the dishwasher.  This is apparently high comedy.)

Considering she's never shown the slightest interest in the plastic Elmo before, I find it interesting he's been chosen as not only the guest star but the lead actor in today's comedy sketches.  Seriously, he lip-synched the last time he was on the show.
