Surrender, Dorothy

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The little angel has a cold. I hear her coughing from time to time in the night. We called the pediatrican, shoved unread baby books under one end of the crib mattress to elevate her head and bought a must-be-cleaned-daily-or-will-become-infested-with-icky-mold humidifier. We salined her nose. She is still sick.

It doesn't seem to be bothering her too much. Her disposition is still as sunny as could be expected, but there are faint purple circles under her little eyes from disrupted sleep, and Oz tells me she has other, bowel-related problems, but I have seen no evidence of that yet. She snurgles a lot.

When I told a friend about the little angel's situation, he described it as "kennel cough." Apparently puppies get sick a lot from being cooped up with other puppies in the kennel. I'm not sure how I feel about that description, but that's pretty much the size of it. I know she either gets sick a lot now or sick a lot in preschool, but I still feel somewhat bad sending her back into the germ fray at Oz every day, now that I've had my first experience with what it can do to her.

Poor baby. Wah.