The Up Side of Peek-a-Boo

I think playing Peek-a-Boo makes me feel about as stupid as anything I have done as a new parent. Really, you CAN'T look cool playing that game. Especially in public. I'm not sure what about it is so hilarious, either, but it does have one redeeming quality: It taught the little angel how to laugh.

I have been playing Peek-a-Boo now for about a month, at the bequest of all the early-childhood literature. Something about object permanence, oh, I forget. Anyway, tickle and play Peek-a-Boo. So I have been, with no real interest on the little angel's part. Until last night. Last night, she decided it was about the best thing she'd seen since Reno 911 and started laughing, LAUGHING OUT LOUD when I did it. My beloved actually came rushing out of the kitchen. "What's that sound?" he asked, wielding canned chili. We were both shocked. It is a little disconcerting to have your squishy blob baby suddenly start acting like a human being overnight, holding her head up and MOVING and LAUGHING and things. Totally weird. And totally wonderful. ha ha ha ha

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