I'm a Third-String Juror

Not much time to tell you this great story, since I have missed two and a half days of work and am down to only 88 new e-mails in my inbox, BUT...

I am a third-string juror. Yes, after reporting to the jury room at 8:30 yesterday morning, I watched a video on Civic Duty and proceeded to sit for a total of six hours before being told I am a "juror on call." Basically, I have not been asked to serve on any panels or actually serve any jurorial duties, but my ass is theirs any time between now and Friday at 5. Now how do you like that? I am the government's bitch.

However, they did give me a nice certificate. It reads: "This is to acknowledge the above-named citizen of Jackson County satisfactorily served as a juror the week of August 30, 2004 thereby materially contributing to the maintenance of liberty under the law through the fair and impartical administration of justice." Find the subordinate clause in that bad boy! Makes sitting in a room for six hours sound pretty important, though, eh?

Also, one other thought on government buildings - since when are they Harbingers of Inappropriate Footwear? I saw more stiletto heels in the City Hall than I have ever seen in my life. Who told these people reporting to court means masquerading as a streetwalker? I am so confused...
