What Makes a Character Believable?
The very lovely Neysa at B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E. let me guest post on her blog about making a character believable.
Here's an excerpt:
In the early drafts of THE OBVIOUS GAME, my main character, Diana, was too unlikable.Shewas all rough edges and whining. People would tell me that, and I wouldstruggle with that, because I wanted her to be realistic and goingthrough some really tough stuff, which in many cases does lead to pityparties.
Duringthe publisher querying process, my agent told me he thought the bookneeded to be funnier. I thought it ironic he wanted my anorexia novel tobe funnier, that it in fact might not get published because my anorexianovel wasn't funny enough.
Read the rest at B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E.!