Thinking You're Aging Well? Try FaceTime!

Last month, the Arens family won an iPad in a sweepstakes put on by ClassWish. (They are awesome, go buy some books and the school of your choice gets part of the proceeds.) Since then, we have been using the FaceTime feature on it to talk to family back in Iowa.

We've noticed something. If the camera adds ten pounds, the pixelated oranges of FaceTime adds ten years, as well as sunspots, shine and huge pores (for white people, at least).

It's so bad that my mother commented once on how unflattering the view is of oneself, especially considering you're almost always looking DOWN on the iPad in your lap, thus adding double chins to the effect.

Seriously. Here is me right now, normal, head-on, not-great-lowlight-cell-phone pic.


We see a few fine lines and wrinkles, but otherwise, hey, I'm 38! I don't appear to be on the edge of death.

Now let's check out FaceTime on the iPad. (Note: It is crazy super hard to take a picture of yourself on FaceTime because you're in the picture holding the phone over your face and blocking yourself. I had to hold the phone like upside down and backwards, then rotate the whole thing to show you. You're welcome.)

Sunken eyes, shiny NECK? And OMG ARE THOSE JOWLS?

It gets worse from the lap angle.


Now I also have several odd slopes on my face and a comb-over.

Please tell me I am not the only person experiencing this phenomenon?