Posts tagged Gadgets
Parenting in the Digital World

I got a new freelance gig! For the next six months, I'm going to be a contract project editor for a new experiment in citizen journalism at BlogHer. The topic? Parenting in a digital world. Here's my intro post, cross-posted from BlogHer.

You've seen the talk shows and heard the playgroup buzz: What theheck are we doing about the influence of social media, cell phones,games and other technology on our little angels?

Fear not! We're here to help! Over the next sixmonths, BlogHer is taking on a groundbreaking experiment in citizenjournalism with regard to parenting in the digital age. Our digitalparenting ambassadors will post analysis of breaking stories, trends,and the activities of BlogHer moms from a variety of angles. Inaddition, the ambassadors will blog insightful personal posts that shedlight on their own parenting within the matrix. We'll be rolling outessays, technology round-ups and general navel-gazing.

We'llcover geeky parenting, technology as it's embedded in our daily lives(as parents and as participants in the community), tech trendspotting,parenting headaches and triumphs caused by our devices and the socialmedia sphere, and the same great parenting writing you're used toseeing here. Parenting, after all, is still parenting, whether or notyou're doing it with your Blackberry attached.

I know I'm excited-- I've been a BlogHer Mommy & Family contributing editor for morethan three years now, and this topic has come up so many times for mepersonally. I'm thrilled to be working with the talented group ofwriters who'll be bringing you this important information.

In addition, BlogHer will host a Family Connections BlogHer groupto which all our digital parenting posts will be published. The easiestway to stay in the loop is to join the group. So what are you doing?Click on over and join!

We can't wait to hear your thoughts. Thisis a conversation, and we want to hear from YOU -- be your own beatreporter covering the ups and downs of parenting your cyberific kids.With my own daughter in kindergarten, I need your help navigating thedark waters. Come along for the ride, my friends.

So, if this topic interests you, join the Family Connections BlogHer group, and you'll get everything pushed to you. So easy. So digital-like.

And if it doesn't, it won't live here, so no worries.