Posts tagged guantanamo bay
The Foliage Relocation Organization


Today was my team's weekly trek to Chipotle. I can't begin to describe where the conversation started, but it moved into our collective chagrin over professional landscapers ripping out still-blooming annuals to make way for the next season's goods.

I couldn't let it go, even when I saw my friends' eyes beginning to glaze as they did when I tried to discuss Andrew Sullivan's brilliant call in The Atlantic for Bush to take accountability for Gitmo Bay. (Direct quote: "Rita, I just felt my brain shut down.")

I started thinking about all the places the used annuals could go. Inner-city daycare centers! Rest homes! Hospitals! Some of those mums ARE STILL BLOOMING, DAMMIT!

What would we call such a thing?

The Foliage Relocation Organization.

You have some pansies you need to replace with Christmas cheer? Rip 'em out, dump 'em in a plastic pot, and call the FRO. They'll be there within 24 hours to rid you of your foliage and distribute good cheer throughout the metro area. If you pay extra, the FRO will e-mail you digital photos of octogenarians weeping with joy at the site of a sweet pea vine of their very own.

Think about it. It's an AWESOME IDEA.