I once had a vice president who was reprimanded for his foul language. So the legend goes, he was called into human resources and told there had been a complaint. And he said something akin to "what's the fucking problem?"
I always did like that guy.
So anyway, thanks a lot, Average Jane, for showing me this site that measures things like how verbose you are (I am 121% higher than average) and how much you curse in your blog. You knew which one I was going to go for, didn't you?
I admit I have let my tongue hang out a little too much in the past few weeks, because earlier this year I had kept Surrender, Dorothy pretty clean, for me. I do wish I was not so tempted to curse after a long day in the trenches of corporate America.
But it feels SO GOOD.
I mean, those of you who have been with me for a while might remember the old "Warning: Might Contain "Fuck"" flag I had in the sidebar for a while after someone tried to get me fired for my language.
Didn't work, motherfucker.
So, in honor of sailor mouths everywhere, I present you my shame.