Posts tagged syria
It's Horrible, I Feel Horrible About It, But I Wish We Would Leave It Alone

All weekend I've been torn over Syria. 

The little angel caught some headlines as we were out and about and asked a bunch of questions. They were hard ones to answer. 

I don't know why people would hurt children.

I don't know whether we'll do anything about it.

I don't know know if we should do anything about it.

I agree, the whole situation is just terrible.

When it comes to policing the world, I'm ambivalent. Of course I'd love for a strong country like America to be able to help the world's wronged, but what if there are too many wrongs in the world for one military that's already so spread out? What if we have children who are hurting here? Is it our responsibility to attack if we were not attacked? Is this really about our fear they will use those weapons on us and not really about the children at all? And if so, is that a game-changer?

I started to educate myself better on the subject, then I realized that no one was going to come to me and ask me what to do. I am not in any way in charge of how the United States responds to Syria.

Sometimes the Internet brings the rest of the world too close to the window and demands I pay attention when I know in truth that to pay attention to something I can do so little about will only make me miserable, as it did every time I thought about it over the weekend.

I really don't want us to attack anybody else. I really wish we could bring all our troops home from everywhere and focus domestically. I wish we could fix healthcare and subsidize childcare and change funding so we don't have to buy our schools' copy paper anymore and improve care for mental health and beef up our infrastructure and and and ... do a million things with our energy that don't involve starting wars.

And so I close the window, on my laptop and in my mind's eye, and I stop thinking about Syria.