The little angel went to school today after puking for two days. Puking, then feeling great and wishing I wasn't working. Of course, I felt horrible for her, but I also felt horrible for me because it is so hard to try to write and meet deadlines and participate in meetings while simultaneously entertaining/caregiving of a sometimes-feeling-sick-but-mostly-not eight-year-old who insists on playing Zhu Zhu pets while bumping into your laptop because she must sit RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU.
This morning, she cried for almost an hour because she didn't want to go back to school and be in the school musical this afternoon that I worked late last night to be able to take off work to attend. She'd missed a bunch of rehearsals due to being sick and is worried because she has a speaking part. Beloved tried one approach and I tried another, and either way she was wound for sound five minutes before the bus came. Finally, she calmed down to sniffles and sat on my lap while we waited and I seriously considered just declaring it Saturday and being done with everything.
Because I am so done with this week.
I'm done with the four-day headache. I'm done with the doctors' visits for me -- I found out this week I have to get new doctors and more tests for two different health problems. The tests will be uncomfortable and expensive and I'm so done with that. I'm done with cleaning up barf. I'm done with my cat who won't stop sneezing in my face. I'm done with my endless lists. I'm done with the laundry and the house that has grown dingy again and the thought of spending my entire Saturday cleaning it, again. I'm done with the tears and the fears and the effort of dragging myself through this week. I'm done with wishing and praying about my novel. I'm done with trying to be upbeat and stop whining. This is my blog, and today, it's a whinefest.
I know I have many blessings and should be happy my body is mostly working. But right now, WHINING FEELS GOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
Thank you for indulging me. I feel better already.
One thing I'm not cranky about: notebooks. See my share of Miro notebooks on Surrender, Dorothy: Reviews.