The Devil Wears Pampers


The little angel, she loves the sidewalk chalk.  The funny thing, though, is that even more than she loves to color with it herself, she loves to demand that a parent color things to her specifications.  She is extremely picky about color, size and location of these drawings. 

Last night, I drew a map of the scale. (No, that's a line from a comedian I saw like ten years ago and stole, STOLE, but isn't the idea funny?  Maybe it's just funny to me.  Ahem.)

I did, however, draw a picture of the little angel.  It was approximately the same height as she was, but since we don't have red sidewalk chalk (and really, why not?), I had to give the drawing sort of hot-pink hair.  When I was finished, the little angel selected a piece of her own hair and studied it, then looked at the picture.

Little Angel:  "Mommy, RED HAIR."

Me:  "We don't have any red chalk, honey."

Little Angel:  "RED HAIR."

Me:  "Look at the chalk. Do you see red?  I don't see red.  I used pink because that's the closest color. Sometimes in life we have to fake it a little, and that's okay."

The little angel studied me dubiously, then stomped off.  I could just hear her inner monologue:  Please don't bore me with your excuses, Mommy.

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