Makes Me Feel Like a New Woman


Karen from Troll Baby Graphics is designing me a fancy-schmancy new blog job.  It has wheat and witches and cool trees and it's all stuff I could've never, ever, EVER done on my own.  She said it will be up sometime today or tomorrow - it's like childbirth - they say "Oh, you'll deliver on April 13. No, 12th.  No, 6th...or maybe the 24th.  But trust me, we won't let you go into May."  Then you walk around your block seventeeny-million times looking like a deranged hippo, swearing and leaning on your husband as though he might soon spout chocolate martinis.  Then you go to the hospital and the send you home, then bring you back, then give you morphine,then say the epidural lady is just down the hall for two hours. Then your OB drops your little angel's placenta on the floor.

And then, you have something new.

The kills me.