Do You Use Reader's Guides?


It's just over a week until my cover reveal (those of you who signed up on the form to participate will get info soon! And if you still want to sign up, I'll put the form at the bottom of this post) on December 20th, and I've been thinking about my novel and trying to decide whether or not it's worth it to write a reader's guide for it. I myself always read them but from a writer's point of view -- what did that writer (or his or her editor or publicist or hired hack or whoever wrote the thing) think was important about the novel? But for some reason, I'm really struggling with trying to write one for myself. And I'm not sure normal people actually use them.

And I feel silly every time I try to write it. That's the truth, and that's why I'm struggling. It's like writing a bio about yourself in the third person, which I've also had to do a lot and I feel silly every single time I do that, too. It would be easier to use the royal "we."

We would like you to tell us whether or not we should persist in the writing of a reader's guide for THE OBVIOUS GAME.

It would likely not be in the novel, but I could put it here in the new THE OBVIOUS GAME section that I haven't created yet because the cover hasn't been revealed yet and also because I can't afford to hire help and haven't yet figured out how to hack Typepad advanced templates to redesign the navigation of this blog which is going to morph into an author website somehow, how, I haven't figured out yet.