Posts in DJ Nibbles Celebrates
I Think I Heard Birds

I've heard rumors some songbirds are returning, but I hadn't heard any of them until yesterday. It's such a bad idea for them to come back in February when there's a polar vortex going on, but it's funny how you don't realize how silent winter is until a gaggle of loudmouth birds set up shop in the pine tree outside your window. And your little black cat sees them and races around the house like he just shot up crack. And you look up from the golf ball you've been using to massage your plantar fascia because it's pissed at you from too many treadmill miles instead of running outside, but you can't run outside because of frostbite and falling to your death on black ice.

So anyway, I heard birds. 

And though I know the East Coast is setting up for another snow dump that might threaten Beloved's return to Kansas City, at least I got to tell him about this:



I think we might have to go outside and play, according to DJ Nibbles.


Young Adult Novels, Ahoy


If you are currently participating in the YA Scavenger Hunt, my page is located here.


In a few weeks, I'm going to be participating in my first ever YA scavenger hunt with sixty other young adult authors. Each of us is offering a book, so you could essentially win an entire young adult library doing this thing. Here's the explanation from the organizer, author Colleen Houck:

I'm very exited to reveal to you the 60, count 'em 60 authors that will be featured on the Fall 2013 YA Scavenger Hunt! That means that not only do you get access to exclusive bonus material from each one, and a chance to enter so many contests that it will blow your mind, but there is also an opportunity to win an entire library shelf full of books because each author will be giving away one featured book as a prize. - 

Here's the line-up:






























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I'm still familiarizing myself with how this works, but it's going to be really cool. It runs from October 3-6. I'll be preparing some bonus material for THE OBVIOUS GAME, as will the other authors, and I'll run a giveaway here as well as the main one. Lots of fun! I can't wait to read some of these other books, too.

I'll use this URL and update this post and push it up to the top when more info is available, so if you want to participate, you can bookmark this page. More soon!

DJ Nibbles loves YA.

Another BlogHer Anthology!

At long last, a project I've been working on with the other editors of BlogHer and Open Road Media has come to fruition! Today is the book birthday of BlogHer's first food anthology, ROOTS: Where Food Comes From & Where It Takes Us.


Isn't the cover pretty? ROOTS features the work of the following writers: 

  • MaryAnn Parker
  • Michael Procopio
  • Lucy Pearce
  • Somer Canon
  • Eugenia Gratto
  • Doris Marbut
  • Maki Itoh
  • Evangelina (Vangie) Sosa
  • Molly Stephens
  • Ina Kota
  • Yasmeen Hilmi Richards
  • Tammy Kleinman
  • Tori Avey
  • Laurie White
  • Angela Tung
  • Marge Perry
  • Sean Timberlake
  • Diana Veiga
  • Lynne Rees
  • Angela Rapids
  • Casey Barber
  • David Leite
  • Jessica Spengler
  • Ann Courcy
  • Arva Ahmed
  • Elizabeth Ranger
  • Elizabeth Heath
  • Christine Pittman
  • Julia Rosen
  • Carrie Pacini
  • Linda Lange
  • Erin Deniz
  • Sarah Melamed
  • Madeleine Morrow
  • LindaShiue
  • Allison Zurfluh
  • Judith Newton
  • Valerie StreeterAlbarda
  • Amber Kelly-Anderson
  • Anita Breland

This project was really fun for me. It's hugely rewarding when blogging and booking come together in my world, and this was one of those times. Here's some more info about ROOTS if you like reading about food, recipies, family history and discoveries.

Where to get ROOTS:

DJ Nibbles loves it when things get published.

Champagne Hubris & Listen to Your Mother KC

Yesterday, I went over to Erin Margolin's house to do a practice run-through of the Kansas City Listen to Your Mother show. Basically there are somewhere near a dozen of us, and we're all performing a short essay we wrote about motherhood, daughterhood or some mix of the two. Before we started, Co-Director Laura Seymour was all, "Hey, is anyone good at opening champagne?"

I've worked at four restaurants and a dog track. So I was all, "I AM." There was nervous tittering, because let's face it -- most of us didn't know each other and we were in someone's basement drinking champagne and preparing to expose our innermost secrets in preparation for taking the entire show live in a few weeks. WHAT'S TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT?

So there I was, test-driving my new gray-and-orange-striped-Calvin-Klein-from-Marshall's dress that is super-crazy tight but also super-crazy comfortable, my jacket to hide my nervous-armpit-sweating habit and my Kanye mail-order-discount glasses. The last five champagne bottles I've opened have had a pop, but I've always been able to hold onto the cork. If I didn't know Erin better, I'd suspect her of shaking this bottle all the way home from Costco, because when I opened it, the cork shot out of my hand and the champagne came spraying out so fast I was covered in it, down to my dripping glasses, in nanoseconds. 

It was champagne hubris, y'all. 

It's fortunate that I have an extremely high tolerance for making an ass of myself, because I was COVERED in champagne. My right armpit smelled like New Year's Eve 1998. Still, I cleaned myself up and sipped a little of that champagne while I listened to a bunch of new friends read some truly amazing essays. I laughed, I cried, I wore champagne with pride.

Our show is going to be on Saturday, May 11 from 7-9.  A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales go to the Rose Brooks Center, and there will be a representative from Rose Brooks at the performance to answer your questions about that organization.

A few of us (me included) will be selling our books there afterward. I'll be selling SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK for $10 and THE OBVIOUS GAME for $15, cash or check only. I'll also have some bookplates for THE OBVIOUS GAME in case you already bought it and are like I DON'T WANT TO BUY IT AGAIN I JUST FORGOT TO BRING IT SO PLEASE SIGN THIS STICKER FOR ME AND IT'LL BE ALL GOOD. 'Cause that's the glory of bookplates! Which are really just address labels, but don't tell! The little angel will be assisting me, and she glories in that role, so even if you don't want a book, please stop by and say hi if you are there.

DJ Nibbles loves LTYM.

In other Mother's Day news, there's a special promo code and a $50 gift card giveaway over on Surrender, Dorothy: Reviews for custom, kid-artwork-inspired iPhone cases. (Twofer)

THE OBVIOUS GAME Cover Reveal & Excerpt!

I'm so excited to show you the cover for my young adult novel, THE OBVIOUS GAME, which will be published on February 7, 2013, two days after my thirty-ninth birthday.

Those of you who have been reading me for a while know what a labor of love this book was. While there was an awful lot of pain and sweat I didn't write about, I think you saw enough to know there were many days I didn't know if this would ever happen and many days when I really, really wanted to just throw down.

I'm glad I didn't. Not only is this book finally finding its way into the world, my publisher has generously offered to donate a portion of the proceeds of the book (I don't know how much yet) to the Eating DisorderFoundation, which was recommended by my friends at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver. It's my greatest hope that this novel will not only be worthwhile as a novel but will also help parents and families understand and feel compassion for someone suffering from an eating disorder and offer hope for a full recovery to those who are in the grip of it. UPDATED 1/14/2013: My publisher has informed me they have been unable to get in contact with the charity and are putting this plan on hold until they can hammer out details.

This novel was so much harder than SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK was, and I thought that was really hard. But the novel was so much more personal and so much a combination of craft that I had to learn on the job and inspiration and revisions and rejection and more revisions and hours I could've spent doing something else. I know a lot of writers talk about the pain of the writing process. For me, there is actually never a blank page because I don't sit down to write without a lot of couch time first in which I figure out what I want to say and visualize the scenes in my head. So I guess maybe I'm "writing" when I'm not writing, but that works for me, because I have so little writing time (as does everyone -- how many novelists don't have day jobs?) I have to be getting thousands of words out every time I schedule a 9-midnight with myself after my daughter goes to bed. Usually on Mondays. I seem to be more tolerant of flogging myself on Mondays, not sure why.

But I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it. I love it. I feel energized by it. I love thinking about what I'm going to write next. This is fun for me. Otherwise, I would never put myself through the rejection.

If you're working on a novel, take heart -- everyone feels the way you do on your darkest day sometimes.



“Everyone trusted me backthen. Good old, dependable Diana. Which is why most people didn’t notice atfirst.”

Praise for The Obvious Game:

"Lovely, evocative, painful and joyful all  in one ... much like high school." -- Jenny Lawson, author of LET'S PRETEND THIS NEVER HAPPENED

“I couldn’t put down THEOBVIOUS GAME. Arens perfectly captures the hunger, pain and uncertainty ofadolescence.” -- Ann Napolitano, author of A GOOD HARD LOOK and WITHIN ARM'S REACH

"THE OBVIOUS GAME is afearless, honest, and intense look into the psychology of anorexia. Thecharacters—especially Diana--are so natural and emotionally authentic thatyou’ll find yourself yelling at the page even as you’re compelled to turnit." -- Coert Voorhees, author of LUCKY FOOLS and THE BROTHERS TORRES

"Let’s be clear aboutone thing: there’s nothing obvious about THE OBVIOUS GAME. Arens has written amoving, sometimes heart-breaking story about one girl’s attempt to control theuncontrollable. You can’t help but relate to Diana and her struggles as youdelve into this gem of a novel." -- Risa Green, author of THE SECRET SOCIETY OFTHE PINK CRYSTAL BALL

"THE OBVIOUS GAME explores the chasms between conformityand independence, faith and fear, discoveries and secrets, first times and lastchances, hunger and satisfaction. The tortured teenage experience is capturedtriumphantly within the pages of this unflinching, yet utterly relatable,novel. - Erica Rivera, author of INSATIABLE: A YOUNG MOTHER’S STRUGGLE WITHANOREXIA 

Book Information:

Publisher: InkspellPublishing

Release Date: Feb 7th, 2013

ISBN: 978-0-9856562-7-0(ebook), 978-0-9856562-8-7 (Paperback)

Paperback Price: $13.99

Kindle: $4.99

To be available at all majoronline outlets: Amazon, B&N, The Book Depository

Pre-order now at InkspellPublishing Website at a special discount of 30% on both paperback andebook!

Website/blog: or








And here's a short excerpt!




When we were in seventh grade,Amanda and I snuck out of her house one foggy Saturday night to meet herboyfriend, Matt. We spent more time planning our escape than we did actually conductingit.

We’d made a list while pretendingto do our homework:

Wrap flashlights with blackelectrical tape. (check)

Make fake bodies out of pillowsto hide in our sleeping bags. (check)

Booby-trap her bedroom door withstring across the threshold so we could see if her mom had tried to check onus. (check)

Assemble all-black outfits,complete with stocking caps, so we would blend in with the shadows as wewalked. (check)

Arrange the rendezvous pointahead of time with Matt: the third-grade playground at the elementary school.(check)

It wasn’t until we’d successfullyshimmied down the fence, jogged the four blocks up the street, and seen Mattsitting there alone on the seesaw that I realized I had nothing at all to dowhile they giggled and kissed. I’d been so caught up in the planning portion ofour escape that I didn’t notice how pathetic my part in it seemed.

I twirled on the swings acrossthe playground and out of view, once again pretending to be totally cool withit. The thing was, though, I wasn’t cool with it. I felt about as important asthe guy who wrote the cooking instructions for Pop-Tarts.

We probably would’ve stayed therefor hours if I hadn’t finally strode over to the jungle gym, coughing andkicking rocks as I went. Amanda poked her head out.

“What’s up, Diana?”

“Can we go soon? I forgot tobring a book.”

Her expectant smile turned sour. “Okay,”she finally said, disappearing in the darkness. “Just five more minutes.”

I wandered to the edge of theplayground, thought about turning back on my own, letting her get caught outthere by herself. But I wouldn’t. That’s what friends are for. She knew it. Iknew it.

Everyone trusted me. Good olddependable Diana. Which was why most people didn’t notice at first that I wasin trouble.

It's really happening! Huzzah! Let's bring out DJ Nibbles.

DJ nibbles

THE OBVIOUS GAME Has a Cover Reveal Date!

My publisher emailed me today to let me know the cover for my debut YA novel, THE OBVIOUS GAME, will be ready on December 20. That's a little over a month away! PLEASE TO FREAK OUT WITH ME!

If you'd like to be part of the cover reveal action (basically put it on your blog or other social media), please fill out the form here. You can also fill out the form if you'd be willing to review the book when it's out in February 2013, tweet about it, tell your barista, you know, whatever. I use the form so I don't spam people. At least, I hope I don't spam people. I really have no interest in spamming people because it makes them not like me.

Here's the form

I know what I want it to look like in my head, but I don't know how it will look. This publisher was very cool in that they sent me a sheet asking for all sorts of information about my vision for the cover. I'm fairly certain this is highly unusual. I got to see six or seven cover designs for SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK and weigh in, but I don't recall anyone asking me what I wanted it to look like. I've heard from other authors they didn't see their covers at all until they got ARCs in the mail. (An ARC is industry-speak for advanced review copy). Is asking authors for cover input part of the new world order or is it just something smaller presses do? I have no idea, but I like it VERY VERY MUCH.

I'm not going to share the entire form, because a) I didn't ask and b) it reveals too much about the book, but I found it fascinating they asked so much about my protagonist, Diana.



Clothes(Urban, Tshirt, skirt, old 1600 clothing): book set in 1990. Jeans,sweatshirts, t-shirts. Diana is not very stylish.

EyeColor: Blue

Haircolor: Brown

HairLength: shoulder-length

I probably should also have noted she was white. It's not something one should assume, though you'll notice I totally did. Still working on not making that a given in the way I move through the world.

Thank you all so much for allowing me to share my excitement about the publishing process with you! 

DJ Nibbles celebrates cover art.


I Found a Publisher for My Young Adult Novel!

What an up-and-down month. In the midst of the bad, there is good, and the good is that this past week I signed a contract with indie publisher InkSpell to publish my debut young adult novel, The Obvious Game, in February 2013.

Which is in five months.

Indies! We move fast!

I'm actually thrilled about the pub date, even though it's coming up soon. February is Eating Disorders Awareness Month, and there have been so many people who have emailed me about themselves or their loved ones wanting to know what the hell is going on in that person's head and how to help and what to do if it's you, I decided to write a book about it. Only this one is more interesting than my story ... fiction means you can change the beginning, the middle and, best of all, the end.

Here's the beginning of my query:

"Your shirtis yellow."

"Your eyesare blue."

"You have tostop running away from your problems."

"You're tooskinny."

Fifteen-year-oldDiana Keller accidentally begins teaching The Obvious Game to new kid Jesse onhis sixteenth birthday. As she buries her shock about her mother's fresh cancerdiagnosis in cookbooks, peach schnapps and Buns of Steel workouts, Diana bothseduces athlete Jesse and shoves him away under the guise of her carefullyconstructed sentences. As their relationship deepens, Diana avoids Jesse's pastwith her own secrets -- which she'll protect at any cost. Will Diana andJesse's love survive his wrestling obsession and the Keller family's chaos, orwill all their important details stay buried beneath a game? Nothing is obviousin THE OBVIOUS GAME.

I'm building a pinboard for it on my Pinterest page. The Birthright of Parker Cleaves is the novel I'm working on next.

What will make or break The Obvious Game (and, not to overreact, but my chances for publishing Parker Cleaves and anything else) is the success of this novel. The deck is stacked in publishing, especially for unknown authors, so if you would be willing to talk about my book once it is available, I would be forever grateful. You don't even have to say nice things, seriously. You could even be all DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THAT SUCKY NEW NOVEL, THE OBVIOUS GAME?  And I would actually be fine with it, because then that person might be all WHAT ABOUT IT SUCKS? And next thing you know, you're discussing my book. So seriously, there should be no fear here. You could hate, hate, hate my novel and I will still like you as long as you don't beat me over the head with it.

Because I don't want to spam or turn my blog into a marketing showcase, I've created this handy Google form that will forever live in the My Books page of this website.  If you or anyone you know might be interested in talking about the novel, reviewing the novel, talking to teens about the novel, etc. etc., please pass along the link to this blog and ask the interested party to look at the form on the My Books page.


For those of you who know me in real life, have heard me speak at BlogHer or elsewhere over the past three years or have been hanging around here since 2009, you know this puppy is a long time coming.


So thank you in advance for reading me here at Surrender, Dorothy, and I hope you'll read and enjoy/discuss/talk about/pass along to a loved one The Obvious Game. I'll be mentioning what's up from time to time, but if you really want to be updated, please use the form above.

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up.

DJ Nibbles celebrates The Obvious Game!




Frustrated With Politics? Here, Read These.

Hi everyone!

I've been immersed in politics for the past two weeks because of my job. And yes! I am very, very excited the conventions are ending tonight! For even though I'm very passionate about my politics (I apologize if you read my Twitter feed or its flowthrough to Facebook), I grow weary, too. It's all so big and so hard and what the hell, those numbers have more zeroes than my daughter has toes.

Part of what I've been doing this week is sitting on Twitter to see what people are saying about this or that. And so, this afternoon/evening, I found out two of my bloggy friends are doing some very cool stuff.

If you're sick of politics, why not go fight cancer with Charlie at How to Be a Dad or fight hunger with Mr Lady at Whiskey in My Sippy Cup?

Why not, indeed?

DJ nibbles

DJ Nibbles Celebates Helping People